יום שבת, 18 באוגוסט 2018

Opening hours - Sep/Oct 2018

Opening hours during the Israeli public holidays period in the month of Tishrei (September - October 2018)

For the convenience of our partners and customers around the world, below is the updated Paragon Logistics offices opening hours during the month of Tishrei (September - October 2018).

Rosh Ha’Shana (Jewish New Year)
09/09/2018 - Sunday - Eve of Holiday - Until 12:00 (*)
10/09/2018 - Monday - Holiday - Closed
11/09/2018 - Tuesday - Holiday - Closed

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
18/09/2017 - Tuesday - Eve of Yom Kippur - Until 11:00 (*)
19/09/2017 - Wednesday - Yom Kippur - Closed

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
23/09/2018 - Sunday - Eve of Holiday - Until 12:00 (*)
24/09/2018 - Monday - Sukkot Holiday - Closed
25/09/2018 - Tuesday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
26/09/2018 - Wednesday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
27/09/2018 - Thursday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
28/09/2018 - Friday - Intermediate Days - Closed
29/09/2018 - Saturday - Intermediate Days - Closed
30/09/2018 - Sunday - Hoshana Rabbah (Culmination of Sukkot) - Until 12:00 (*)
01/10/2018 - Monday - Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (Eighth Assembly Day and Rejoice of Torah) - Closed

(*) Holiday Eve There is no activity on our logistic warehouse except for special requests in the customer's notice in advance.