יום ראשון, 18 בספטמבר 2016

Opening hours - October 2016

Opening hours during the Israeli public holidays period in the month of Tishrei (October 2016)

For the convenience of our partners and customers around the world, below is the updated Paragon Logistics offices opening hours during the month of Tishrei (October 2016).

Rosh Ha’Shana (Jewish New Year)
02/10/2016 - Sunday - Eve of Holiday - Until 12:00
03/10/2016 - Monday - Holiday - Closed
04/10/2016 - Tuesday - Holiday - Closed

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
11/10/2016 - Tuesday - Eve of Yom Kippur - Until 11:00
12/10/2016 - Wednesday - Yom Kippur - Closed

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
16/10/2016 - Sunday - Eve of Holiday - Until 12:00
17/10/2016 - Monday - Sukkot Holiday - Closed
18/10/2016 - Tuesday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
19/10/2016 - Wednesday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
20/10/2016 - Thursday - Intermediate Days - Until 14:30
21/10/2016 - Friday - Closed
22/10/2016 - Saturday - Closed
23/10/2016 - Sunday - Hoshana Rabbah (Culmination of Sukkot) - Until 12:00
24/10/2016 - Monday - Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (Eighth Assembly Day and Rejoice of Torah) - Closed